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The Haunts of the Rosemarys' - by Artemis251

The Haunts of the Rosemarys'

The lonely house in Spookane had just beared witness to a new birth to the Rosemary family, but suddenly turned into a tragedy...a heinous house of haunts!

PERFECT 10! The score will say 1.10, but it's actually 10.

Other Submissions by Artemis251

Author Sort Ascending Sort Descending Title Sort Ascending Sort Descending Description Sort Ascending Sort Descending Date Sort Ascending Sort Descending Rank Sort Ascending Sort Descending
Artemis251 Packaged Mr. Saturns
Please don't stack any higher than 5.
(California must import its Mr. Saturn stock)
4/1/09 0.00
Artemis251 Parental Care
Gaias Lament, GL - #07

PSI isn't made for the immature, it seems... ;D
4/23/06 10.00
Artemis251 Past Revisited
Gaias Lament, GL - #03

You all must ph34r P0k3y's l33t h4x0r 5k1llz.
3/19/06 9.00
Artemis251 Paula and the Magic Butterfly
A little Paula I made while taking some lame tests in high school.
12/31/04 8.00
Artemis251 Paula Needs Saving
A fluke by artemis251
3/13/05 0.00


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